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葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#

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葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟

夏日怎麼能少了冰淇淋,所以動手做了我最愛的香草冰淇淋,加上葡桃果凍,甜與酸的組合,絕美。How can there be no ice cream in summer!I  make my favorite vanilla ice cream, adding some  grape and Nectarine jelly to get sweet and sour taste


純牛奶milk 226克(g)
白砂糖1sugar1 55克(g)
香草精vanilla extract 1勺(teaspoon)
淡奶油35% cream 80克(g)
蛋黃egg yolks 1個(12g)
紅葡萄red grape 230克(g)
水water 20毫升(ml)
吉利丁粉powdered pectin 7克(g)
白砂糖2(granulated sugar2) 20克(g)

葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法  

  1. 準備好原料
    Scale all the ingredients, and hold them in separate sanitized containers.

    葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟 第2張
  2. 將冷藏的牛奶加熱至25攝氏度左右,加入白砂糖和香草精,邊加熱邊攪拌
    Heat up the milk, when the temperature reaches 25C , add all the sugar, and vanilla bean.

    葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟 第3張
  3. 當溫度達到35攝氏度時加入淡奶油,繼續加熱達到40攝氏度時,加入牛奶與蛋黃的混合液,一邊加入一邊攪拌均勻
    At 95℉(35℃),add the cream. At 104℉ (40℃), add the egg yolks, which have been mixed with a little milk.
    Make sure to whip continuously while the egg yolks are added.

    葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟 第4張
  4. 一邊加熱一邊攪拌至80攝氏度,小火煮2分鐘左右
    Stir constantly to prevent scorching. Bring the mixture to 185F (85C) for
    2 minutes.

    葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟 第5張
  5. 等冰淇淋液冷卻,裝進保鮮盒或用保鮮膜密封,放入2-6攝氏度冰箱冷藏,每隔半小時打發一次,打發三次左右之後放入冰箱冷凍
    Cool the ice cream,cover to the surface with plastic wrap, and refrigerate at 42F (6C) to 35F (2C). Whip every half an hour

    葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟 第6張
  6. 將葡萄和油桃洗淨備用
    Wash the grapes and nectarine

    葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟 第7張
  7. 將葡萄和油桃去皮,葡萄皮留下備用
    Peel the grapes and nectarines and leave the grape skins for reserve

    葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟 第8張
  8. 加30ml清水,小火加熱葡萄皮熬汁,至顏色變深紫,Add 30 ml water and heat the grape peel juice over low heat

    葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟 第9張
  9. 用榨汁機將葡萄果肉和油桃果肉榨成果泥
    Press the grape pulp and nectarine pulp into the fruit mud

    葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟 第10張
  10. 用濾網析出葡萄皮熬出的果汁
    Use the filter to separate out the juice from the grape skin

    葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟 第11張
  11. 果汁倒入鍋中,加入果皮熬的汁,小火煮,攪拌均勻,加入吉利丁粉,中火煮至完全沸騰,過程中注意攪拌
    In the pot, combine the grape juice and pectin. Bring the mixture to a full rolling boil over medium high heat, stirring constantly.

    葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟 第12張
  12. 加入糖,煮至安全溶解,並完全沸騰,一邊攪拌一邊煮1分鐘左右,撇去浮沫,倒入準備好的容器
    Add the sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Return the mixture to a full rolling boil, stirring constantly. Boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove the pot from the heat and skim off any foam.

    葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟 第13張
  13. 從冰箱剛拿出來時候的成品
    The finished product was taken out of the refrigerator

    葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟 第14張
  14. 裝入杯子中,就是最終的美味
    Put them in a cup then enjoy it

    葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟 第15張
  15. 合影
    taking picture with it

    葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟 第16張
  16. 香草冰淇淋的原菜譜在這兒啦
    The original recipe of VANILLA ICE CRE

    葡桃果凍與香草冰淇淋#VANILLA ICE CREAM with Grape and Nectarine Jelly#的做法圖解 做法步驟 第17張



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