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冰咖啡 Iced Coffee

食譜館 人氣:2.24W
冰咖啡 Iced Coffee的做法圖解 做法步驟


Mums famous recipe and a family pleaser, that’s Iced Coffee. There’s nothing better than a cold, creamy, delicious tasting iced coffee to have as a refreshing drink in the morning or anytime you desire. Perfect not only for the summertime but all year round, this recipe is really delicious and one you must try. Our family recommends it.


速溶咖啡 3-4 tsp
熱牛奶 50ml
冰牛奶 500ml
香草冰淇淋 100g
砂糖 適量
冰塊 適量
肉桂粉 適量

冰咖啡 Iced Coffee的做法  

  1. 準備食材

    冰咖啡 Iced Coffee的做法圖解 做法步驟 第2張
  2. 將速溶咖啡、肉桂粉倒入熱牛奶中,再按自己的口味加入砂糖(也可以不加)。

    冰咖啡 Iced Coffee的做法圖解 做法步驟 第3張
  3. 把牛奶咖啡倒入攪拌杯中,再加入冰牛奶和冰淇淋攪拌均勻。

    冰咖啡 Iced Coffee的做法圖解 做法步驟 第4張
  4. 找兩個自己喜歡的杯子,放入適量冰塊,將攪拌好的冰咖啡倒入後再撒上一點點肉桂粉即可。

    冰咖啡 Iced Coffee的做法圖解 做法步驟 第5張
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