當前位置:食譜館>烘焙食譜>蛋糕>橙子磅蛋糕Orange Pound Cake的做法步驟圖

橙子磅蛋糕Orange Pound Cake

食譜館 人氣:2.19W
橙子磅蛋糕Orange Pound Cake的做法步驟圖

抱歉 步驟圖暫時欠奉,做了兩次都很驚喜,尾圖兩張分別為第一次第二次做的。用小一點的模具烤出來更好哦!


雞蛋eggs 3
糖Sugar 100g
玉米油Corn Oil/ 花生油Peanut Oil 70ml
低筋麵粉Low Gluten Flour 250g
泡打粉Baking powder 5g
橙子Orange 1個

橙子磅蛋糕Orange Pound cake的做法  

  1. 把雞蛋打入攪拌機內。 Shell the eggs and put them into the blender.

  2. 倒入玉米油/花生油和糖。Put corn / peanut oil and sugar into the blender.

  3. 橙子切小塊,一併倒入攪拌機內(連皮一起放入)。Cut the orange into small pieces ,then put them into the blender as well(including the orange peel).

  4. 開動攪拌機,攪拌均勻。Start the blender and mix evenly.

  5. 把攪拌好的混合物倒入碗中。Pour the mixture into a bowl.

  6. 篩入低筋麵粉和泡打粉,翻拌均勻。Sift low gluten flour and baking powder with a sieve into the bowl, mix well.

  7. 將攪拌好的蛋糕糊倒入模具中。Spoon the mixed cake paste into the baking molud.

  8. 烤箱預熱170度,烤40-50分鐘,烤至40分鐘時請注意檢視(磅蛋糕頂部會有裂紋,屬於正常現象。)。Preheat the oven , 170 degrees, bake 40-50 minutes, and check after 40 minutes (It’s normal to have cracks on the top of the pound cake).

    橙子磅蛋糕Orange Pound Cake的做法步驟圖 第2張
  9. 烤制完成,請享用!Enjoy!

    橙子磅蛋糕Orange Pound Cake的做法步驟圖 第3張
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